Azoospermia Treatment in Mumbai

Infertility is a very trying time for couples seeking to conceive, and it by no means is a problem for women alone. Rather, male infertility is the cause in almost half of all cases of infertility. 

At Rotunda Center for Human Reproduction (CHR), we specialize in providing comprehensive solutions for male infertility, including effective azoospermia treatment in Mumbai. Our male infertility doctors understand and guide you in your path to parenthood. 

What is Male Infertility?

Azoospermia Treatment in Mumbai

Male infertility or azoospermia treatment in Mumbai is the inability of a man to fertilize or contribute to conception due to conditions that affect sperm production or delivery. Among the most severe forms of male infertility is azoospermia, a condition where there is no sperm in the semen. 

Azoospermia is a condition in which men have no sperm present in their ejaculate. It affects approximately 15% of all men and is seen in about 1% of those facing infertility issues.  

This condition can be caused by conditions such as hormonal imbalances, blockages in the reproductive tract, testicular dysfunction, or issues related to ejaculation. 

Azoospermia can be categorized into two types: obstructive, which involves a blockage in the reproductive tract, and non-obstructive, which involves a problem with sperm production in the testicles. 

Male Infertility Causes

Causes of male fertility include: 

Diagnosing Male Infertility

A diagnosis procedure starts with an appropriate medical history and check-up. A semen analysis is always done to assess the number, motility, and morphology of sperms. 

Additional tests like hormone level assessments and genetic testing may be recommended to identify specific issues. 

These also indicate the likelihood of retrieving sperms at extraction procedures like TESE or PESA 

At Rotunda CHR, we employ advanced diagnostic techniques to provide an accurate and comprehensive evaluation. 

Azoospermia Treatment in Mumbai

Azoospermia is a condition where there is no sperm found in the semen. It can very much challenge the failure to conceive by a couple. 

Azoospermia treatment in Mumbai is strictly determined by the cause and type of azoospermia. 

Some causes can be reversed, but some, such as genetic factors, cannot be reversed. That is why it is always important to become realistic once one begins treatment. 

Prevention of Azoospermia

Preventive measures may reduce the risk factors associated with developing azoospermia. The following includes: 

Extensive Treatment Approach

Azoospermia treatment in Mumbai differs based on the patient diagnosis, at Routunda IVF. Therapies include: 

1- Surgery

2- Varicocelectomy

When an enlarged varicocele causes azoospermia, a varicocelectomy may be necessary. This surgical procedure removes swollen veins in the scrotum that disrupt sperm production. So far, surgery is the only known effective form of treatment for varicocele.

3- Hormone Treatments

If azoospermia results from hormonal insufficiency, then hormone replacement therapy could again provide the opportunity for fertility. Rotunda IVF uses hormone therapy that aims to balance hormones either by supplementing them or inhibiting them.

4- Sperm Extraction

In cases where sperm production occurs but cannot exit the penis, sperm extraction procedures may be recommended. Various techniques include:

These techniques allow the harvesting of viable sperms directly from the testes, or the epididymis  thus providing a good alternative to avoid medical or surgical interventions. 

5- Vasectomy Reversal

Perhaps one of the most traditional forms of male contraception is through vasectomy, wherein either induced or intentional azoospermia occurs. Surgery for vasectomy reversal allows the setting free of the blockage in the passage that provides the movement of sperms and hence enables fertility again. This method is particularly recommended for patients who want to get pregnant but previously underwent a vasectomy. Our male infertility doctors are specialized and work closely with the patient in order to gain the best possible results.

Fertility Treatment for Men

Other than azoospermia, our fertility treatment options also cover a wide area of problems that are characteristic of male infertility. The treatments include: 

Rotunda CHR approaches male fertility care from a more holistic viewpoint. Physical and emotional well-being form the foundation of outcomes in male fertility treatment. 

Finding a Male Infertility Doctor Near You

Fertility Treatment For Men

Looking to find a male infertility doctor near you? Look no further than Rotunda CHR. 

We boast an elite team of specialists who strive to give you personalized care precisely customized to your unique situation. 

We are very proud of our friendly and empathetic ambiance in which you feel welcomed and comfortable discussing your concerns and your treatment options. 

Why Choose Rotunda CHR for Infertility Treatment in Mumbai?

Rotunda CHR is one among the top fertility centers in Mumbai with the following reasons: 

Male infertility often presents as a complex issue; we at Rotunda CHR shall be quite dedicated to your care and well-being on this journey. Whether you have been unable to conceive or have ever felt that you might have azoospermia, then book a consultation with us. 

We are here to give you support, counseling, and proper azoospermia treatment in Mumbai to make your dreams of parenthood come true. Contact us today to take that very first step towards a brighter future. 

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